Skin Enhancement Treatment

Use the Newest Skin Enhancement Treatments to Bring Back Your Lost Youth

We’ve all heard of Botox Cosmetic© and Juvederm©, those wonderful skin enhancement injections used to remove fine lines from skin, restoring your youthful appearance of your face. Every week, it seems like one celebrity or another is lauding the benefits of one therapy or another. We’ve all heard the many brand names on the market, but what about Xeomin©?

Xeomin© is the newest FDA-approved skin enhancement product for the reduction of lines in the forehead and around the eyes. Xeomin© was developed in much the same way as many of the other dermal fillers were: scientifically. It was initially used to treat neck pain caused by cervical dystonia and abnormal spasm of the eyelids, known as blepharospasm. It was discovered that the use of Xeomin© in areas of the face prone to fine lines, such as the forehead and eye area, would temporarily remove these wrinkles and folds, restoring the skin to its firm, youthful and fresh appearance. It wasn’t long before this new dermal enhancement product was added to the lineup after approval by the FDA for cosmetic use.

Frown lines on the forehead, also known as glabellar lines, respond particularly well to treatment with Xeomin©. Like Botox Cosmetic©, Xeomin© is a neurotoxin that works by temporarily paralyzing the muscles in the face that cause the lines and crow’s feet we recognize as signs of aging. It is perfectly safe for use and results last for months.

The Ageless Center in Atlanta is the premier cosmetic enhancement studio for Xeomin© and other dermal fillers. Our skin specialists work with you and determine your needs to find the perfect solution within your budget. We have been continually recognized for our excellent customer service and great prices in Atlanta for Xeomin©, as well as other skin enhancement therapies. We never sacrifice quality for price when it comes to our clients’ appearance; the hundreds of satisfied customers we’ve treated demonstrate that The Ageless Center is unmatched in quality and customer service.

If you are disturbed by your crow’s feet or forehead lines that you keep seeing in your mirror, call one of our specialists at The Ageless Center today! Come in and we’ll talk with you about treatment with Xeomin© or other dermal fillers to help bring back your lost youth.

Posted Under: Botox, Dermal Fillers